Renee D
Renee with our company mascot, Jade
Renee is a Spruce Pine, NC native! Her love of dogs lead her to volunteer at shelters and provide pet care for the dogs of family & friends over many years. She has a huge passion for meeting and building relationships with people and their pets. Renee has always has had many dogs in her life and at the present time has just one. His name is Frodo. Google search “Berger Picard” and that’s what Frodo looks like. She found him at a shelter in Savannah Ga. He was very anxious and no one could get near him except for the wonderful woman at the shelter. Renee talked with her on the phone for a couple of weeks and finally drove down to Savannah, to meet Frodo. She fell in love and brought him home that day. He is now a very happy, ever so loving and affectionate member of the family.
Renee’s other major passion in life is music. She has played since she was 5 years old. She eventually came to work in the music industry and made wonderful friends who she still keeps up with. She also loves hanging out with her daughter and her German Shepherd dog Leia.